
Beville Middle School

Multicultural and Academic Showcase

“One World, Many Cultures”

Our Multicultural and Academic Showcase will be held on Thursday, April 25, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. 


The academic showcase is an event where teachers demonstrate their subject with games, activities, and interactive demonstrations that involve all ages. The activities are based on the curriculum and the grade level. Families are invited to come and experience some of the topics their students have been learning throughout the year. There will be a “Kids’ Table” where two teachers will engage with younger children and offer engaging activities for them. There will be a Fashion Show of students, staff, and parents who wear traditional costumes or clothing that represents their countries. Food from various cultures will also be sampled in the cafeteria and we ask if families would like to share some of their own customary dishes, to please bring them to share as well. Beville’s Step Team will perfrom. Our library will host a Book Fair throughout the evening.