Gifted Education- SIGNET


Beville Middle School's Gifted Education and Talent Development program services identified students in grades 6-8 who demonstrate high academic accomplishment or show exceptional academic potential beyond their peers of similar experience or environment in general intellectual aptitude or in one or more specific academic areas. More information may be found on the Prince William County Gifted Education Program site.

If you notice your student is strongly inclined towards a content area above, critical and/or creative thinking, and would like to have them evaluated for gifted services, please complete a referral form (link to form in English, link to form in Spanish) and return it to the Eileen Beavers, Gifted Resource Teacher at Beville MS. If you would like more information about how to refer your child, the gifted services or the gifted screening process, please email Mrs. Beavers.

For 2023-24, Beville Middle School Gifted Education services are scheduled on a rotating A/B Day schedule for the entire school year.